My name is Laura E. Nye-Klinck, and I am the owner and artist behind Lenk Jewelry Designs.
I will always be grateful to my parents and grandparents for teaching me things that most would consider to be boy jobs. They taught me that building something with your own two hands, makes you appreciate the completed product so much more. That I can build a house or make beautiful art, and there is nothing standing in my way, just because I’m a girl. They taught me that when life gets overwhelming, I can put a plan in place, take it one chunk at a time, and reach any goal I set. That God’s got this, and He’s got me. This love for creating, fixing, and organizing things is organic; it is who I am, it’s been in my blood for generations. I became the woman I am today because of them.
So here I am! Ready to share everything I love with you! Visitors to this website can expect to find stunning jewelry, printable planners, and weekly blog posts!
Jewelry I began creating jewelry in the Spring of 2011, when I saw a chainmaille bracelet in a magazine, and thought to myself, I have to learn how to make that! I grew my skills and began working with new materials and new weaves. I absolutely fell in love with Chainmaille and its endless possibilities. If you are not sure if I carry a product or specific color, just ask! I love to hear from my customers and get their feedback! My goal is to share my jewelry with you, in hopes that you will learn to love chainmaille as much as I do! I am currently working toward expanding into metalsmithing, so stay tuned! Big things to come!
Planners I have been making my own planners for years, as I can never find one that works perfectly for my needs. A coworker came to me complaining about having huge sections of their planners that were unused at the end of the year, not having enough room to take notes, and not being able to utilize their planner properly. I offered to design a planner to suit their needs, and word spread quickly! Under the Planners Menu you will find all of my stock printable planners and guides. If you don’t find your dream layout, please let me know! I can design a printable insert for your planner that is made just for you!
Blog My weekly blog will focus on topics such as: home renovation, cleaning and organization, faith and motivation, health and recipes, products I love, and any upcoming jewelry news. Sign up for my mailing list, and you’ll get an email when a new blog post drops. I will not spam you with emails!
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website and read a little about me! I am glad you are here, and I cannot wait to build a wonderful relationship with you!