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My name is Laura E. Nye-Klinck, and I am the owner and artist behind Lenk Jewelry Designs.


I have always had a love for creating things; anything from photography to pottery to interior design. It wasn't until the Spring of 2011, when I saw a chainmaille bracelet in a magazine, that I fell in love with jewelry making.

Since that day, I have laid aside every other project and artistic interest I've had, to grow my knowledge of chainmaille. By chance or fate, I'm not sure which, I came across a fellow obsessed chainmailler, who had made dozens of tutorials. Building off of her extensive knowledge, I grew my skills and began working with new materials and new weaves.


Chainmaille jewelry is full of endless possibilities. If you are not sure if I carry a product or specific color, ask! I love to hear from my customers and get their feedback! My goal is to share my products with you, in hopes that you will learn to love chainmaille as much as I do!

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